
Welcome To Monthly Mantra!

Here is what is in store for you!!

Each month you will gain access to:

  • A new monthly mantra that you can keep or personalize.
  • Written information on what the mantra is based on, how it can be used, what it procures, and any history attached to it or it's lineage.
  • "Peak Pose." A yoga pose chosen to embody the mantra itself with detailed alignment instruction.
  • Links to my online articles that are relevant.
  • A link or sound bite to any relevant recordings of that mantra or one of it's relatives.
  • An audio file of a yoga class recording that embodies and uses that mantra.
  • "The Tough Stuff." Tasks or exercises usually used in teacher trainings, that help explore the mantra more.
  • You will also receive either a guided meditation or a relevant story recording (which may or may not be combined within the audio class as this is how I guide my weekend yoga classes),
  • Relevant information on any yoga deities, mythological characters, Native American spirit animal symbolism.

As the month unfolds and develops in the yoga studio, relevant content will be added so that this platform becomes an extension of the work we do in person as well as it's own stand alone practice.

I hope you enjoy this material and this format. It doesn't beat coming to class and being in that room of energy, but it is a great way to integrate your practice into more nooks and crannies off the mat and of growing your understanding of this beautiful practice and how it can benefit our lives enormously.

Thank you for showing up for yourself here today!



What is a Mantra?

A mantra is simply word or phrase repeated frequently so as to secure that ideal in the fore front of our focus, and make it our concentration.

The idea is that when we hold something in front of us and make it our focus, it is the receiver of all our energy and so it grows.

Many athletes and successful business people use mantras in one form or another. Some recite their mantra to themselves a few times every morning or before a big game, some prefer in a longer seated session (described later). Another option is to recite the phrase as you work out, or simply listen to a sound bite or musical rendition of the phrase. Here we will explore all of these means, so you can find which best suits you

To be effective in manifesting successfully, the mantra needs to be something that truly speaks to you, so... in this subscription you will receive a new mantra each month with several ways to clarify it, make it personal to you and then practice it.

How To Use Mantras

Once you have your mantra in mind there a all kinds of ways to use it. You could recite it a few times every morning or before bed. You could take a seat and keep repeating the mantra out loud until you feel complete. Another option is to recite the phrase as you work out, or simply listen to a sound bite or musical rendition of the phrase. Try each one to find out what technique best suits you.

Repetition is key. For beginners, it could feel strange at first. Just relax and start the process. Start with just a few repeats, climb to 20 repeats. The more you repeat and concentrate on the mantra the further you will dive inside your consciousness.

Yogi's use the beads on their Mala necklaces and wrist bands to keep track- thumbing a new bead for every repetition until they reach the tassel. Generally a full set has 108 beads.

You also don’t need to count if that is too hard to track. Aim for a certain amount of time instead, and set a timer. Know that the more repetitions, the more powerful the dive inwards.

Afterwards. Give yourself time after each session to sit quietly and witness what comes up. It is normal to feel deep serenity, energized or even a wave of emotions - they will come AND go if you let them.

Making Your Own Mantra

A mantra will only be helpful to you if you fully believe the idea behind it, so it might be helpful for you to create your own chant/ mantra.

Here are some tips:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the words/ideas you want to immerse yourself in. Just brainstorm.
  • Pick the most prominent ones. If you can create a sentence or two out of the brainstorm then do that. If not, don't worry.
  • Keep the mantra short and concise. A few words is plenty.
  • Make sure you start with a word that means something to you. Start with the word that signifies your goal: ‘Peace.’, ‘Joy.’, ‘Love.’, ‘Faith.’ Or ‘Harmony.’
  • The mantra must have a direction, but it should stay in the positive: For example, instead of saying ‘I am not worried,’ say ‘I am peaceful’.

Complete and Continue